
Special Circumstances/Unusual Circumstances

Special Circumstances/Unusual Circumstances

Federal financial aid is based on a formula created by the U.S. 以确定学生的预期家庭贡献,简称EFC. 联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)使用上一年的收入信息来确定你的EFC和联邦财政援助(助学金)的资格, loans, work-study).

What are Special Circumstances?

After filing the FAFSA, 一些家庭意识到,由于某些情有可原的情况,他们的EFC可能不能充分反映家庭当前的财务状况. 联邦政府允许学校审查一个家庭的特殊情况, beyond the student’s/family’s control, to determine if the situation warrants special consideration.

What Changes Qualify As A Special Circumstance?

At Montclair State University, 一个委员会决定你的特殊情况是否值得改变决定你的预期家庭贡献或你的出席成本的数据元素. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学采用全国学生财政援助管理协会推荐的标准.

These changes in your household can be from:

  • Unemployment benefits have ended.
  • Unemployment due to retirement, company closure or resignation.
  • 未纳税福利的损失(如:工人补偿、子女抚养费、社会保障福利).
  • Separation/divorce.
  • Death of wage earner.
  • 在您的联邦纳税申报表上列出的医疗费用或可提供收据的已支付费用.

你可以在6月1日之后填写一份申请审核表格,重新评估你的经济援助, 2024

Please Note:

  • 你必须等到收到初步援助通知后才能提交审查请求.
  • If you are an incoming new student, you must be accepted to the University, 在提交此文件之前,您是否已经支付了押金并提交了FAFSA.


What Is Not Acceptable for a Request for Review?

We will not process requests due to bankruptcy, foreclosure, increases in personal expenses (ie: mortgage payments, tuition increases for siblings, car payments), private school tuition expenses, medical insurance premiums, etc. 营业收入的波动必须在典型的年度变化之外,并且必须是显著的.

What Documents Are Required to Complete the Request for Review Process?


  • 学生收入:学生(和配偶,如果已婚)的联邦所得税申报表1040 最近两个纳税年度的工资表,如果没有提交纳税申报表,则提供所有W-2工资表的复印件.
  • Parent Income: Parent’s Federal Income Tax Return 1040 for the two most recent tax year sor, if the parent(s) did not have to file taxes, copies of all W-2 wage statements and any other sources of income.

In addition, you must 提交文件支持您的特殊情况(如第3页所示) Request for Review form.

How Long Does the Request for Review Process Take?

一旦新表格发布到网站上,申请审核流程将在明年5月开始. Once your file has been evaluated based on the allowable criteria, 您的信息将与FAFSA和新泽西州进行更新, if appropriate.
实际的处理时间取决于家属提交必要文件所需的时间. 所有文件提交后,最终处理时间约为两周.

Students must monitor their NEST to view any changes to their requirements and financial aid amounts. 如果审查不符合必要的标准,或者如果更改没有导致任何增加的资助资格,学生将通过电子邮件收到通知.


No. 提交审查请求表格并不意味着你将获得额外的援助. In some cases, students will not see a change to the original aid amounts.  Sometimes, 我们能够获得以前没有提供的补贴贷款资金(在校期间没有利息). 你应该做出安排,用你目前得到的援助来支付你的账单.
如果你正在看你目前的援助金额,并意识到你需要额外的资金, you may consider a Parent PLUS loan and/or private loan options. 如果你有资格获得额外的援助,你可以在以后减少或取消你的贷款. You can also utilize the Payment Plan offered through the Office of Student Accounts.

What are Unusual Circumstances?

联邦学生援助计划是基于这样一个概念:支付你的教育费用主要是你和你的家庭的责任. However, 在确定学生是否有能力向FAFSA提供家长信息时,有些学生的情况需要额外的自由裁量权. 您有机会通过提交您的情况的文件来上诉您的FAFSA依赖状态.

What qualifies as an Unusual Circumstance?

你必须清楚地证明一个不利的家庭状况,以便在经济援助目的中被认为是独立的. Adverse family situations may include:

  • Abusive home environment (physical or emotional abuse).
  • Severe estrangement of the family.
  • Abandonment.
  • Parental drug or alcohol abuse.
  • Mental incapacity or other circumstances.
  • Student is homeless or at risk of homelessness.
  • Student is an unaccompanied youth.


How Do I File an Unusual Circumstance Appeal?

You Can Begin the Process By:

  • Filing the FAFSA. If your circumstances qualify for consideration of independent status, you will be guided in the FAFSA instructions on how to complete that form.
    • Once the FAFSA is processed, 学校将收到信息,以启动独立状态的确认.
  • Initiate an appeal on montclair.studentforms.com.
    • Click on ‘Manage Requests’
    • Select ‘Professional Judgement: Unusual Circumstances Appeal’

完成此过程所需的所有表格和声明将被要求并上传到 montclair.studentforms.com.

What Documents Are Required to Complete an Unusual Circumstance Appeal?
  • You must complete an appeal form on montclair.studentforms.com, explaining what circumstance(s) you are currently experiencing.
  • 提交两份来自了解学生情况的社区成员(不是家人或朋友)的支持声明.
    • Community members can include, but are not limited to, guidance counselors, academic advisors, mentors, religious community members, mental health providers or similar.
How Long Does the Appeal Process Take?

In most cases, 上诉在提交所有所需文件之日起两周内完成. 不完整的上诉或连同需要澄清的文件一起提交的上诉将延误这一进程.

How Will I Be Notified of the Appeal Results?

上诉的结果和要求提供进一步资料以完成上诉的要求是通过 NEST.

Situations That Are Not Considered Special/Unusual Circumstances:

  • Parents refuse to contribute to the student’s education
  • 家长不愿意提供有关FAFSA或核实的信息
  • Parents do not claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes
  • Student demonstrates total self-sufficiency
  • Student and parents “don’t get along”
  • Student is a single parent or pregnant
  • Standard living expenses (e.g. utilities, credit card expenses, children’s allowances, etc.)
  • Lifestyle choices – vacation or wedding expenses
  • Discretionary expenses like mortgage payments, car payments, credit card or other personal debt problems, etc.


Graduate Students

Because graduate students are only eligible for unsubsidized loans, 提交复审请求或异常情况上诉没有任何好处. 对FAFSA信息的任何更改都不会改变学生可以获得的资助金额.

Please Note: 对特殊/不寻常情况上诉的考虑并不保证获得批准. In addition, even if approved, 重新计算FAFSA数据并不总是会增加学生的资格.